Research & Policy Reports


As a communications professional, I have had the opportunity to collaborate with academic researchers, policy experts, and program managers to produce print and digital research reports, impact reports, and policy briefs, particularly in the area of food and agriculture policy.

My roles: Lead editor, writer, project manager, photographer, press and public outreach

Here are a few examples:

The California Healthy Soils Program: Perspectives from Punjabi Farmers

Berkeley Food Institute | Research Report

In 2022, Aarij Bashir interviewed Punjabi farmers and technical assistance providers to get their insights into the California Healthy Soils Program, which offers funds to farmers to engage in healthy soil practices. His research found that farm size, land tenure, and access to technical expertise present major barriers that prevent participation in the program for many farmers, especially farmers of color.

I worked with Aarij Bashir and BFI Policy Director Sakeenah Shabazz to edit the report for publication and supervised a contract graphic designer on the layout. In collaboration with the Punjabi American Growers Group, I also photographed Fresno-based farmers to include throughout the report.

Click here to read the report.

Connecting Soil Health and Water in California

Berkeley Food Institute | Policy Brief

California farmers are often concerned with water, what it costs, and its short supply. With recent droughts — made more intense by climate change — farmers face tough choices about how to adapt to a future with less water. In this policy brief, a team of UC Berkeley researchers introduce healthy soil practices like cover cropping, planting hedgerows, reducing tillage, as an essential strategies to become more resilient in the face of intensifying climate change and a stressed water supply.

I served as the lead editor for this policy brief.

Click her to read the policy brief.